Thursday 24 September 2009

Magazine Pitch

The ideas we had for making a magazine cover were that it had to be similar to the CD cover. We would have our main characters from the video at the front of the cover, behind we were going to have a picture of an estate at night time, this is because the Cajun dance party often use scenery in their photo shoots or album covers. We would use a lot of graphics to create lights and a modern effect as this is also how we want to portray the band, as individual and contemporary. The band like bright colors, but their lyrics can often be quite dark so we thought in contrast to this we would show the two main artists, who will also feature in the video in black and white and then the back round will be all bright colors and images. There will only be two members of the band in our magazine cover though as we are only using the a male and a female in our video similar to the two main people in the band the female and male vocalist.

The initial idea is that the magazine cover will be similar to this, however we would change the back and edit it, so the artists are in black and white. As you can see this is the Cajun dance party and they are dressed in an indie style with bright colors which is why we thought it is important that we incorporate this into are magazine as this would be the type of style they would like for a magazine cover.

This is the photo we edited in photo shop it isn't finish but it gives an idea of what it could look like with different effects. We liked this as well as we wanted to use lights and a night time effect and this show that, however we would have the back round as an estate and in a photo style and normal color. You would also need to see the artists faces if it is for a magazine so we like the way the artists are looking at the camera and the effects, although we would need to edited in better detail so it looks more like a magazine cover.

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