After thinking more carefully about how our final project will look, after drawing the animations we were going to use, we have decided as a group that will not use animations in our music video as we feel that it would look quite unprofessional and may corrupt our original footage making it a less appealing music video, but instead will use technical effects, such as using slow motion and having parts in reverse order such as : "picking petals from a daisy backwards".
Monday, 5 October 2009
After thinking more carefully about how our final project will look, after drawing the animations we were going to use, we have decided as a group that will not use animations in our music video as we feel that it would look quite unprofessional and may corrupt our original footage making it a less appealing music video, but instead will use technical effects, such as using slow motion and having parts in reverse order such as : "picking petals from a daisy backwards".
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