Thursday 8 October 2009

Ed Lovelace

Ed Lovelace was a student at Long Road, he also did media and has now become a succsessful music video director. We listened to how he used to produce and achieve everything we are learning now, and how he then moved on to do a degree at Bournemouth University.

After University he went on to make a lot of Indie genre videos and worked with bands such as 'Cage The Elephants'. His videos sometimes took from all day to only a few hours and the amount spent on them varied from thousands to hundreds. After making quite a few music videos he now wants to go on to making short films and then maybe even a whole film some time later on in his career.

He gave us advice on making our music videos, having a good idea to start with was the main thing and by having this, the planning of it should be a lot easier, then filming it in order would make a more organized final product.

His next job is going to be making short advertisements for myspace, where he will be working with artists like Jay-z and Rihanna.

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